Our enterprise offer

Thousands of companies rely on Genius Scan for their scanning needs. Empower your employees to scan from anywhere.

Genius Scan Enterprise

Genius Scan Enterprise is the version of Genius Scan specifically designed for enterprises and small businesses.

It provides all the advanced features of Genius Scan. It enables companies to pre-configure Genius Scan, and selectively enable or disable features based on their needs and security policies.

Custom Needs
Genius Scan SDK
You have your internal app, or want to build one.

Your needs:

  • A scanner module in your company's app

  • A tight integration in your company's workflow

  • A UI tailored to your brand

Frequently asked questions

How to remotely configure Genius Scan with an MDM?

Genius Scan Enterprise is compatible with all MDMs. Read our documentation on the MDM configuration for a list of the available settings.

Can I make a volume purchase of Genius Scan Enterprise?

iOS: If you are a company or an Educational Institution, you can purchase licenses of Genius Scan Enterprise through the Apple Volume Purchase Program. Educational purchases benefit from a discount for volume purchases.

Android: Android doesn’t offer a volume purchase program. Contact us directly to request a quote on a volume purchase of Genius Scan Enterprise.

Can I have a demo Genius Scan Enterprise?

You can try Genius Scan for free to discover the basics of Genius Scan. If you want to demo everything you would benefit from with Genius Scan Enterprise, you can purchase one instance of Genius Scan Enterprise directly on the App Store.

If you plan a large volume purchase, you can contact us for details.

Can I ensure tight security and privacy with Genius Scan Enterprise?

Genius Scan stores documents on the device itself, which guarantees excellent privacy. Optionally, users can export scans to cloud storage services (such as Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive) or use our Genius Cloud solution to backup and synchronize their scans. With Genius Scan Enterprise and an MDM configuration, you can disable these features to control precisely where your company’s documents are allowed to be stored.

Can I rebrand the app for my company's needs?

You cannot white-label Genius Scan Enterprise. If you have custom needs, we recommend that you use our Genius Scan SDK, which lets you create an entirely custom scanning app using our proven technology.

I need customers to send me clean documents but I can't buy the app for them.

If you need an off-the-shelf solution, have your customers download the free version of Genius Scan and share the scans with you by email. Otherwise, you can develop a custom solution with our SDK.

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